Sympathies: The Aoide Protocol


Human love, evolution, creative minds, disease, earthquakes, wars, skyscrapers & sonnets; the ever-present life-in-death/death-in-life & that ever-present duo of good & evil: ALL of these have their way of being through the en-choiring of sympathies/antipathies that make them as they are. This book explores this EVENTUM.

There is a magic of belongingness at play, whereby the longing to belong (a plus finds its minus as a bee finds its flower): a power evident in all forms of life and being, just as Goldilocks finds the best porridge. So, we find ourselves on a planet where life fine-tunes a coming together of what belongs together: a real unia sympathetica en-choiring of sympathies. – Anything that has being (as any Rabbit, Robot, Roberta or Robert) are as they are because they manifest the belongingness of things. They en-choir, become a choir that sings its song: the resonance interacting with others to form new en-choirings – and the music plays on. This a music book. Follow the bouncing ball and sing along.

How these harmonies relate to breakdowns of insanities that plague human existence, is not so easy to grasp. But the same dynamics apply! We are fine-tuned to what’s sympathetic and what is not: same for worms and robins. Wars and the inhumanities we perform are due to fall-out from sympathies: this causes antipathies to take-over (Newtown). Mother Nature is neutral (Sandy Hook), but operates by the same dynamic of this longing to belong in sympathy; becoming the belongingness of what can be and is as it is: love or disease.

This is a book about the simplicities of this complexity, which by their interplay birth coherences in the midst of chaos: rational-stable structures form in the mayhem of the random. – Those who stay in the saddle will ride with a new vision, a new faith for the journey – “from/of the Uttermost” – to Auguries. In this en-choiring of sympathies in the context of belongings, my poems and essays sing with a full choir of others: poetries all.

Product Details

Publisher:iUniverse, Incorporated
Publication date:06/24/2014
Sold by:Barnes & Noble
File size:2 MB

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