We Didn’t Have to Learn to Cry

O! Just to learn to bear&hear the rimes of cries& joys,
Before we cry ourselves to sleep.
Wail-born in sounds of die –we didn’t have to learn to cry.
We burst alive, womb-to-hands, sobbed and teary-eyed,
Ready for this world’s salt-in-the-wound’s loving care
With its daily fare-to-fair of truth-to-trust —- ever in repair.

We didn’t have to learn to feel the pain,
It comes as easy as flowers and rain.
We didn’t have to work at sorrow,
It comes as natural as each tomorrow.

Clear-eyed, we do love and hope,
And hope for true love satisfied —-
Holding hands learn to dry the tears
Of vision steadied through the years.

We’ve lived to grasp every day’s justly proud-
Felt a glowing splendor moving pain to gain:
Sang wakes of glory with each dawn’s refrain:
Found strength to rise-up – cry-ourselves-out-loud!!!!!!!

O! Our eyes came packed with tears —
Often for flows of joy down love’s face
Bawls like chords of chorused notes of grace.
O! For hugs teared-at-home to shed our fears.

Ahoy! All Ports of Call — all voyages of our years —
For any crying — any sea’s deep enough for tears.
Alas! We’ve learned how best to cry past any weep —
Know how to say “I love you! — Our Souls to Keep!”
O! Just to learn to bear&hear the rimes of cries&joys,
Before we cry ourselves to sleep.

[Composed during This Great Crying Time of the coronavirus, its variants, climate disasters, deepening political/cultural fractures, and the daily news riddled with ever-increasing happenings of deaths – humans, terrains, and species. Daily the tears. Deadly the fears. We didn’t have to learn to cry. As the Random Reaps, I’ll keep what keeps. – That which Holds to be Held – as any poem hopes to be. — 7/17/21–

Michael D. O’Kelly(mdok) as an ‘Apo’kstrophes’ at the helm (The HELD) on a ship called AFIRADAPO from MOMZEIKAI by MADEOSEAKA (Manifest Destiny’s Odyssean Kairos). That this AMM holds in the Held of AMM (Aoide-Melete-Mneme) is surely a peek at profundity’s perturbant perchances of “purpose.” But —- to say it is to hear a few tones (a chord perhaps) of its magic. Ahh! It’s probably just me. I could teach it though. “Grace Notes” are ubiquitous and universally US.]

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