WHERE DID YOU GO? — [found first draft of 2010 – finished 4/8/20….mdok]

O My Love –you were so daily real,
So beside me nights and days.
So beautiful the hold of ourselves;
That enchantment such a special feel,
So shadowed now by the sun’s rays,
So streamed now in swirls out to sea.
O My Love—you were so daily real!
Where did you go?

Your scent is in the air
I can still smell your hair
Your coffee cup’s still there,
I’m still holding on to you,
But everywhere I’m asking – WHERE? —
Where did you go?
We had a plan for today,
Dreams for tomorrow
Memories to outlive sorrow
Songs to sing along the way,
But everywhere I’m asking –WHERE? –
Where did you go?

O My Love — had I the power
I would have held you forever,
Kept you from what called you away
From your always there just moments ago
In the wind nodding the flower
The sun’s glisten in the rain!
O My Love – You were so daily real!
Where did you go?
There are days my love, I think I know
Watching the birds fly and grasses grow
The clouds opening the blue
The sun shining my face with you.
Yes! There are days I think I know
Where you did go and how I hold you so!

Your scent is in the air
I can still smell your hair. . .
We had a plan for today,
Dreams for tomorrow!
O My Love – so always in my heart
Destiny shuffled time and we apart.
What plays now, this song I’ve learned to sing –
You’ll never be gone from me!
The sun’s always in the Spring.

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